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I meant to write my first blog a couple of weeks ago but I fell victim to procrastination. I kept postponing and delaying sitting down to write. I had to ask myself if I was I short of time? Was I afraid of failing? I couldn’t figure it out so I decided, for my first blog, to explore the phenomenon known as procrastination.

My first reason or excuse is time! So many times I have told myself, “I don’t have time to write a blog. After all, I still have to eat, work, and sleep. It’s very easy to fall into that repeat mode. I was giving these thoughts energy and power they didn’t deserve and manifesting this condition! But, when I am not in eating, working, and sleeping mode, during my “free time” I do what I want. So, what did I want to do?

I take pride in being very organized and efficient in my work; I plan and schedule activities, completing complex and multi-tasked projects in a highly successful manner. But what I do for work, I have failed to do with my blog. I haven't set a goal, scheduled related tasks or implemented the schedule! In other words, I have not planned to develop the blog.

As I try to begin writing I hear a faint voice saying, “You are not a good writer; you are not a writer; you don’t write well.”

Then a second voice chimes in, “STOP THE NEGATIVE SELF TALK! JUST DO IT!”

“What is the worst thing that will happen?” the voices continue their debate.

“I don’t know, but I do know it won’t be painful!” :) :) :)

I know I have failed to plan and schedule time to write the blog but why have I still not acted? Why do I still avoid the task? Is it fear of failure? Listening to those negative tapes that were not supportive of me or my efforts, replaying over and over again the comments from others from years ago, I have accepted, retained and replayed negative thoughts, comments and unkind words and actions. But I do not have to accept those negative tapes which support negative self talk…they may have served me in the past, but today they are no longer useful to me!

It’s time to get rid of those thoughts and replace them with positive words and actions! It’s time to change my beliefs and reprogram myself, with positive thoughts and actions! The faint little voice telling me to “STOP THE NEGATIVE SELF TALK! JUST DO IT” is beginning to win the debate! I realize there is no person, thought, idea, memory, or sensation out of the past, in the present or ever to arrive in the future, that can stop me from achieving my goal of regularly developing and publishing a blog for my website! I know that positive self talk or affirmations are very effective on the conscious and subconscious levels (i.e. hypnosis) in creating desired changes.

You can change your mind and change your life easily and effortlessly with positive affirmations and hypnosis!

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself” is a great quote from Benjamin Franklin. How many times did he try something before getting it exactly right or perfect? Probably many times! So I’m going to leave you with the following thoughts:

  • Enhance Your Life...if you don't try you won't accomplish anything!

  • Life is a process of continuous improvement!

  • All things are possible through God's Infinite Wisdom!!!!

Be well!



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